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Jacksonville, FL 32211

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Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


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Dr. Gretchen Bielmyer-Fraser

Dr. Gretchen Bielmyer-Fraser

Professor of Chemistry; Director of Millar Wilson Laboratory

Environmental Toxicologist


Email address  gbielmy@retrorockerz.com
Telephone number  (904) 256-7328
Office location  Swisher 1B


  • Ph.D., Clemson University (2003)
  • M.S., Clemson University (2000)
  • B.Sc., University of North Florida (1997)

Area of Specialization

Aquatic Toxicology

Research Focus

我的主要研究兴趣是环境毒理学领域 focus on aquatic systems. 具体来说,我的研究考察了生物体是如何做出反应的 接触污染物(特别是金属),并分析其复杂的相互作用 在水生系统中的金属和其他化学成分之间. Mechanisms of toxicity 影响可能会因接触污染物的途径、接触时间、 水的化学和生理以及有机体的敏感性. Characterizing how 这些变量相互作用影响生物体的毒性(生存、生长、 生殖),生理(离子传输,酸碱平衡)和生化(酶) 活动水平是我当前和未来计划研究的核心组成部分.

chem1student testing

 Beach Sampling

Research and Publications

(*Undergraduate co-author; **Graduate student co-author)

  • Siddiqui, S.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2019. Accumulation and effects of dissolved 在两种海洋海藻中发现了纳米颗粒银和铜. Georgia Journal of Science 77(2), 1. http://digitalcommons.gaacademy.org/gjs/vol77/iss2/1
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., B. Harper*, C. Picariello*, A. Albritton-Ford*. 2018. The influence 镉对两种广盐鱼急性毒性的盐度和水化学研究 species. 生物化学与生理学报,2014,23-27. DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2018.08.005
  • Bielmyer-Fraser G.K., P. Patel*, M. Grosell. 2018. 海水酸化的亚致死效应 and copper exposure in two coral species. Marine Pollution Bulletin 133, 781-790.
  • Kirkley, J.A.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser, J. Elder, D. Bechler. 2018. The Alapahoochee 流域微地理结构及其对金属浓度的潜在影响 和水腹蛇(Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti)的遗传结构 watershed. 环境监测与评价1999,220. DOI:10.1007/s10661-018-6579-5
  • Miller R.J., E.B. Muller, B. Cole, T. Martin, R. Nisbet, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser, T. A. Jarvis**, A. A. Keller, G. Cherr, H.S. Lenihan. 2017. Photosynthetic efficiency 预测浮游植物中金属纳米材料的毒性作用. Aquatic Toxicology 185, 83-93.
  • Bielmyer-Fraser, G.K., M.N. Waters, C.G. Duckworth*, P. Patel*, B. Webster*, A. Blocker*, C.H.Crummey*, A. Duncan*, S. Nwokike*, C. Picariello*, J.T. Ragan*, E.L. Schumacher*, R. Tucker*, E.Tuttle*, C. Wiggins*. 2017. Assessment of metal contamination in the 四条河流的生物群受到不同程度的人类影响. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 23. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5738-9.
  • Duckworth*, C.G., C.R. Picariello*, R.K. Thomason*, K.S. Patel*, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2017. 海葵对海洋酸化条件的响应 and zinc or nickel exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 182, 120-128.
  • Thomason, R.K.*, W.J. Loughry, J.M. Lockhart, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. Metal accumulation 产于美国东南部的山猫. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188, 565-574. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5587-6.
  • Lockhart, J.M., S. Siddiqui**, W.J. Loughry, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. Metal accumulation in wild-caught opossums. 环境监测与评价[j] (6), 1-10. DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5327-y
  • Venkat, A.*, A. Amerson*, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2016. Influence of water hardness 银在绿藻类Raphidocelis subcapitata中的积累及效应. 科学学报(2),第5条. Available at: http://digitalcommons.gaacademy.org/gjs/vol74/iss2/5.
  • Siddiqui, S.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. Responses of the sea anemone, Exaiptasia 苍白藻,对海洋酸化条件和铜的暴露. Aquatic Toxicology 167, 228-239. DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.08.0012
  • Jarvis, T.A.**, T. Capo, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. Dietary metal exposure to the marine sea hare, Aplysia californica. 比较生物化学与生理学部分 C DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2015.06.009
  • Jarvis, T.A.**, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. Accumulation and effects of metals in two seaweed species. 比较生物化学与生理学C部分. 171, 28-33.DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2015.03.005
  • Siddiqui, S.**, R.H. Goddard, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. Comparative effects of dissolved 铜和氧化铜纳米颗粒暴露于海葵. Aquatic Toxicology 160, 205-213. DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.01.007
  • Patel, P.*, G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser. 2015. 盐度和铜暴露的影响 铜在海葵体内的积累与生理损害 pallida. 比较生物化学与生理学C. 168, 39-47. DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2014.11.004
  • Bielmyer-Fraser, G.K., T.A. Jarvis**, H.S. Lenihan, R.J. Miller. 2014. Cellular partitioning 海洋浮游植物中纳米颗粒与溶解金属的比较. Environmental Science and Technology. 48(22), 13443-50. DOI:10.1021/es501187g
  • Brock, J.*, G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. 金属积累和亚致死反应 海葵,灰斑海葵在水中暴露于金属混合物后. Comparative 生物化学和生理部分C 158,150 -158.
  • Jarvis, T.A.**, J.M. Lockhart, W.J. Loughry, G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. Metal accumulation in wild nine-banded armadillos. Ecotoxicology 22(6), 1053-1062.
  • Jarvis, T.A.**, R.C. Miller, H. Lenihan, G.K. Bielmyer. 2013. Toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles 到以浮游植物为食的桡足类动物——唐莎阿卡蒂亚. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32(6), 1264-1269.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., C. DeCarlo*, C. Morris*, T. Carrigan*. 2013. The influence of salinity 镍对两种广盐鱼的急性毒性研究 and Kryptolebias marmoratus. 环境毒理学杂志32(6),1354-1359.
  • Shyn, A.*, S.J. Chalk, K. Smith, N. Charnock*, G.K. Bielmyer. 2012. Zinc distribution 在淡水中接触锌后成人异阴囊底器官的变化 and saltwater. 环境污染与毒理学档案63,544-553.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., J.B. Bullington*, C.A. DeCarlo*, N.L. Charnock*. S.J. Chalk, K. Smith. 2012. 盐度对锌对两种广卤动物急性毒性的影响 鱼类中有异交底藻(Fundulus heteroclitus)和马氏底藻(Kryptolebias marmoratus). Integrative and Comparative Biology 52(6), 753-760. DOI: 10.1093/icb/ics045.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., T. Jarvis*, B.T. Harper*, B. Butler*, L. Rice*, S. Ryan. 2012. Metal 饮食暴露在海胆中的积累,弓形圆齿海胆. 环境污染与毒理学学报,63,86-94.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., W.R. Arnold, J.J. Isely, S.J. Klaine, J. Tomasso. 2012. Effects of 屋顶和雨水特征对屋顶径流中铜浓度的影响. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184, 2797–2804.
  • Bland, M.J.**, G.K. Bielmyer, B.C. Ring. 2010. 潮霉素B对克拉霉素偏倚的毒性作用 marmoratus early development. 自然科学学报,32 (3),140-148.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., M. Grosell, R. Bhagooli, A.C. Baker, C. Langdon, P. Gillette, T. Capo. 2010. 铜对三种硬核珊瑚的不同影响 their algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp.). Aquatic Toxicology 97,125-133.
  • Main, W.P.L.*, C. Ross, G.K. Bielmyer. 2010. Copper accumulation and oxidative stress 在海葵(Aiptasia pallida)中,经水性铜暴露. Comparative 生物化学和生理部分C 151, 216-221.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., K.V. Brix, M. Grosell. 2008. 氯能防止银中毒吗 due to speciation? Aquatic Toxicology 87, 81-87.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., M. Grosell, P.R. Paquin, R. Mathews, K.B. Wu, R.C. Santore, K.V. Brix. 2007.银急性生物配体模型的验证研究. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(10), 2241-2246.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., J. Tomasso, S.J. Klaine. 2006. Physiological responses of hybrid striped 鲈鱼在淡水和咸水中溶于铜. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50, 531-538.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., M. Grosell, K.V. Brix. 2006. Toxicity of silver, zinc, copper, and 镍通过浮游植物的饮食暴露给桡足动物Acartia tonsa. Environmental Science and Technology 40, 2063-2068.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., K.V. Brix, T.R. Capo, M. Grosell. 2005. The effects of metals on embryo-larval 和海胆的成年阶段,Diadema antillarum. Aquatic Toxicology 74(3), 254-263.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., J. Tomasso, D. Gatlin, J. Isely, S.J. Klaine. 2005. Responses of hybrid 条纹鲈鱼对淡水和咸水中的水媒和膳食铜. Comparative 生物化学和生理部分C 140, 131-137.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., R. Arnold, J. Tomasso, S.J. Klaine. 2004. Influence of salt source on synthetic saltwater quality. Chemosphere 57, 1707-1711.
  • Bielmyer, G.K., R.A. Bell, S.J. Klaine. 2002. The effects of ligand-bound silver to Ceriodaphnia dubia. 环境毒理学与化学学报,21(10),2094 - 2098. 


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